Gambrino 🤴🏻

Brand identity for Gambrino, a craft beer born and brewed in Monterrey, Mexico.

The king is dead, long live the king!

The visual identity is inspired by two clashing concepts, the mythical figure of the ‘king of beer’ Gambrinus, and the rebellious spirit of a young brewery that wants to make its mark in the booming craft beer movement in Mexico.

The challenge with Gambrino was its name, there are countless stories, songs, and folklore surrounding the European beer icon King Gambrinus, credited with the invention of beer. The goal of the brand identity is to embrace this legendary king while making sure the brand stands on its own within the Latin American craft beer context.

The use of 'vandalized' images of European statues of kings, noblemen, and public figures is subtle, and the overall aesthetic maintains a polished and buttoned-up style that leaves room for interpretation for anyone to understand the nod to Gambrino’s rebellious spirit.